Guys anyone that knows how to count the points using the GPI, can PLEASE help me? I counted 44 points, with no french for both me and my wife, and although the minimum point to pass the first evaluatiuon is 57, I also passed the online test! So please check out my counting of points, im sure I am missing something, just dont know where, but probably its in the spouse field, where I saw only age and education points:
1- Formation: Diplôme d'études universitaires de 1 er cycle sanctionnant 3 ans ou plus d'études à temps plei - 10 points
2- Expérience: 48 mois (4ans) ou plus – 8 points
3- Âge: 18 ans à 35 an - 16 points
4- Connaissances linguistiques: Compréhension orale 8.5 / Expression orale 8 (advanced ielts)- 3 points
5- Séjour et famille au Québec NON
6- Caractéristiques de l'époux ou du conjoint de fait qui accompagne:
Formation: 3 points / Âge: 3 points / experience ?
7- Offre d'emploi validée NON
8- Enfants NON
9- Capacité d'autonomie financière - 1
10- Adaptabilité – 1 (interview)
Total 44 points, without the interview point
I hope somebody here can help me in this counting! please!