gladiusraj said:
I find one more form in this link that is spouse detail, form name is Declaration by spouse or de facto spouse.
This one is also I have submit with both forms b'coz I am married but No kids.
Hi Raj,
For your benefit, I am pasting the entire text from BIQ HK website:
Link is
The required documents are highlighted in red. My comments are in blue. Hope this clarifies many of your doubts.

The documents must be presented in the following order:
1. Payment of fees required
•Enclose payment in full of fees charged to process your file. Payment methods.
2. Application for a Québec Selection Certificate
For you as well s for your spouse.•The principal applicant and his or her spouse or de facto spouse must complete, each, the form entitled Application for Selection Certificate – Principal applicant, spouse or de facto spouse (Dynamic PDF, 269 Kb).
•The principal applicant must fill out the
Contract respecting financial self-sufficiency.
•Each child aged 22 or older who is accompanying you must complete the form entitled Application for Selection Certificate – Dependent child aged 22 or older or who is married or a de facto spouse (Dynamic PDF, 193 Kb).
Enclose with your application: ◦Declaration by spouse or de facto spouse (PDF, 56 Kb) appendix to be completed by each party if you are married or a de facto spouse; It must be filled in by you as well as by your spouse.
◦an identifying photograph of each person (adults and children) stapled to the Photos section of the principal applicant's application.
•For each dependent aged 22 or older who is accompanying you, you must enclose:
◦proof that the person has been studying full time without interruption since age 22, by enclosing a certified true copy of the original academic transcripts for each year of study since age 22, or, if the person married or became a de facto spouse before age 22, since the marriage; or
◦proof that the person is dependant on you by enclosing a certified true copy of the original medical certificate attesting to the physical or mental incapacity of the person;
◦if the person is not single, an act of marriage proving that the person married or became a de facto spouse before age 22.
3. Application for a permanent residence in Canada
•You and your spouse, if any
, must complete the Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008), available on the Citizenship and Immigration Canada site (at the bottom of the page)
, and attach a photocopy of it to your Application for a Québec selection certificate. If you obtain a Québec selection certificate, send the original of this form to the Government of Canada with your application for permanent residence.
For more details, consult the Permanent workers section – Application for permanent residence on the Immigration-Québec site.
4. Required appendices
•Depending on your situation, enclose the following documents with your application:
◦Declaration by a candidate practicing a regulated profession or trade in Québec (PDF, 37 kb) – if you or your spouse practises or has the training needed to practise a profession governed by a professional order, a profession governed by the Autorité des marchés financiers or a regulated trade in Québec (construction trades, regulated vocational qualifications);
Note: Read the conditions for admission to a professional order before submitting your application.
◦Declaration by a graduate of a medical school outside of Canada and the United States (PDF, 85 Kb) – if you or your spouse practises or has the training needed to practise the profession of specialist physician, general practitioner or family physician;
◦Declaration of a candidate practising the teaching profession in preschool, elementary school or secondary school (PDF, 49 Kb) – if you or your spouse practises or has the training needed to practise the profession of pre-school, primary or secondary school teacher.
5. Family relationships in Québec
•If a member of your family resides in Québec (spouse, de facto spouse, father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandfather or grandmother), enclose with your application:
◦a copy of his or her permanent residence card, Canadian passport or Canadian citizenship card;
◦a copy of the document proving your kinship to this family member (official family record book (livret de famille), etc.).
6. Applicants residing in a country other than their country of citizenship
•Applicants who reside and have resided for one year or more, in a country other than their country of citizenship, must enclose with their application:
◦A legible copy of your valid residence permit from the country where you currently reside or, if your document has expired, the receipt of your application to renew your valid stay document, accompanied by a photocopy of the stay document being renewed.
Note: The document must mention the expiry date and type of permit issued (e.g., studies or work).
If you do not enclose this official document when submitting your application, the processing of your file could be delayed.
•If you hold a residence permit for studies, you must establish that you comply with the conditions for obtaining this permit by making studies your principal activity.
7. Representation
•If you are represented by an immigration intermediary, enclose a power of attorney signed by you and your intermediary.
8. Curriculum vitæ•Enclose a French or English version of your up-to-date curriculum vitæ (CV).
9. Studies and training•
Enclose with your application:
◦a copy of all diplomas or certificates for secondary, post-secondary and/or university studies, arranged and stapled in descending chronological order (the most recent document appearing first);
◦a copy of all academic transcripts for each of your years of study, including the present year, excluding primary studies, arranged and stapled in descending chronological order;
◦a copy of the registration certificate for the current study program, if any, and a letter from the educational institution indicating whether you are studying full time or part time;
◦proof of studies in Québec, where applicable: a copy of the diploma granted by an educational institution in Québec.
•If you plan to practise a regulated trade or profession in Québec and you have obtained recognition of the equivalence of your diploma or training from the relevant regulatory body, you must provide proof
•Applicants from China will probably be asked to have their post-secondary diplomas and certificates authenticated by the The China Academic Degree & Graduate Education Development Center (CADGEDC)
Note: The same documents must be furnished by your spouse.
10. Work experience acquired over the last five years•
Enclose the following documents for yourself and your spouse, if any:
◦a certificate stating all your employment experiences, issued by a public notary (for applicants from China);
◦a copy of employment contracts with your former and current employers;
◦a copy of all your work certificates.
•The work certificates must be produced on the company's letterhead. They must be dated and signed and bear the signatory's name and function. They must also give the following information:
◦start and end dates of your employment;
◦contact information for your employers, including their telephone number;
◦job positions that you held and a description of tasks that you performed.
•If you are working or have worked within a territory other than that of your country of citizenship, enclose, if such a document is required by the competent territorial authority: a copy of all your visas, temporary work permits or authorizations and renewals issued by the competent territorial authority, stapled to the corresponding work certificates.
•Internship certificates for work done during apprenticeship, training or specialization recognized by a diploma must be accompanied by the agreements made with the educational institution you attended.
Note: if you are unable to provide a letter of recommendation from your current employer or your employment contract, attach an explanatory letter to other official documents related to employment.
11. Proficiency in French or English
•Evaluation of French proficiency
Skilled worker candidates (principal claimants and spouses) who wish to obtain points for their French proficiency must demonstrate this proficiency by enclosing with their immigration application
the results of a French evaluation test issued by one of the two organizations recognized by the Ministère, specifically:
•the Test d'évaluation du français adapté pour le Québec (TEFAQ) of the Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris (CCIP);
•the Test de connaissance du français pour le Québec (TCFQ) of the Centre international d'études pédagogiques (CIEP);
•the Test d'évaluation du français (TEF) of the CCIP;
•the Test de connaissance du français (TCF) of the CIEP;
•the Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF) of the CIEP;
•the Diplôme approfondi de langue française (DALF) of the CIE
Candidates who choose to present a TEF or TCF must enclose the results of the oral comprehension test and the oral expression test. Note that written proficiency is not evaluated when applying for a Québec Selection Certificate.
The current list of TEF, TEFAQ, TCF, TCFQ, DELF and DALF accredited centres can be consulted on the respective websites of the Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris and the Centre international d'études pédagogiques.
•Evaluation of English proficiency
Skilled worker candidates (principle claimants only) who wish to obtain points for their English proficiency must demonstrate this proficiency by enclosing with their application the
results of an English evaluation test recognized by the Ministère, namely the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
The current list of IELTS accredited centres is available on the website of the International English Language Testing System.
•Awarding of points
For the purposes of evaluating the immigration application, points for language proficiency will now only be awarded as a function of the scores confirmed on the attestations of results submitted by the candidates.
Candidates who do not submit any language test results must specify this by marking the appropriate box on their Application for Selection Certificate.
12. Financial self-sufficiency
•Enclose the completed and signed
Contract respecting financial self-sufficiency with your application.
IMPORTANT: Upon your arrival in Québec, you must have sufficient financial resources to meet your needs and the needs of all persons accompanying you.
13. Statutory documents
•Enclose with your application:
a copy of your marriage certificate, if you are married or, if you are a de facto spouse, official written proof of your co-habitation for at least one year (e.g., electricity or telephone bill, notarized declaration (certified) of your cohabitation, etc.);
a copy of your birth certificate and that of each person accompanying you;◦a copy of your family record book (livret de famille);
Note: Applicants from China and Taiwan must include the “Hukou” register of households or proof of temporary residence if your permanent Hukou does not state where you are currently living or working.
◦a copy of a divorce judgment, where applicable, with mention of the award of custody of the child or children if any;
Note: If you plan to immigrate with the child from a previous union, enclose a notarial act signed by the non-accompanying parent or the court judgment expressly authorizing the immigration to Québec of this child.
◦a copy of the act of death of the deceased spouse, if any;
stapled photocopies of identification pages of your valid passport and that of each person accompanying you (with valid residence permits, where applicable).