Hi Egrace,
I had some fear when I was waiting for my letters too.
I sent in my application in the last week of July 2010 and we didnt hear anything for months but in the real sense of things BIQ Paris actually sent the AOR around September ending and it got in around the 1st week of November according to the postmark but the person that received it in my wife's office just kept it in a locker it was when they were moving in March 2011 that we discovered the letter and we have been doing endless prayers. The week after as luck will have it we got a mail from BIQ paris inviting us to an interview on June 8th 2011 and as you well know the rest is history.
So averagely the AOR was issued in 3 months and our invitation for interview came in 8 months and CSQ received 12 months.
very well said LAPLATTO ( sorry i had reffered to u as LEPACIOUS in my earlier mail). Although u applied at different time with STILLHOPE, the overall time-frame for non-priority file with BIQ-Paris is still the sAME. so i think there is something hidden that SMALLIE's agent is not saying
For me it was a long wait but as ABEHOLA and DONSOFT
( oh is donsoft from Nigeria also? that is nice, then there are more naigerian on board here than i know know I put my hand into too many pies which I used to preoccupy myself, e.g New Zealand Immigration, South African immigration, exam certifications, just to keep the time flying while I wait for the response from Paris. My take for those feeling the AOR is taking too long is that the postal system could be the main culprit atimes and like in our own case the letter came but someone mistakenly kept it where nobody could find the AOR.
in my own case it was my uncle who got the letter and he forgot it in his Poultry for 35days if not for him i might av gotten my CSQ within 60days.
for those using agents, I am sorry to say most of them are
CRAP!!! I feel I only trust COHEN, the website and the news updates are loaded, I just had to save a brother's skin about two weeks ago, can you imagine that the chap an his family were invited to an interview in Ghana but his agent just called him that he should go to Ghana and that's all they did, they didn't tell him the documents to carry along , whether original or certified copies, they didn't forward the invitation email to him.
(In the invitation email, BIQ tells you what to bring, what they want to assess, they tell you not to bring your children if they are minors I believe because they could be a distraction in the interview room, they tell you to print out the email as evidence of invitation to show the security) so you can imagine the amount of information that you could miss out if you don't physically see the invitation email, so what I am saying is when you use an agent all communications from BIQ go to the agent because you have signed the power of attorney over to your agent and so please
Egrace did you enclose a DHL return post for your medicals
no i didn't cos they will use it to send the AOR which is really not important as the MR. but if u can get multiple return courrier it will b advisable u do, so that when 1 is used for AOR, u still will have another which will be used for sending ur MR.? I feel this could really hasten the postage of your medical forms from Ghana
yeah u are very very correct or have you physically received them?
truth is i am yet to receive the MR 22days after it was sent
. its really painfull. i have visited with the posta office covering my area two now but still no traces of my MR. infact yesterday, i had to beg them to let me into their sorting room to sweep 2ru the unsorted mail but still it wasen't there
. i later went to there central warehouse at the Airport and what i saw
, i cant even tell them to let me sort myself cos it will take me 10months to do. lots of unsorted mails. i just wonder the number of MRs that will be there. in fact i am regretting not using a return courier even if it would av cost me 5times more than the normal.i av 60days to reply 22days gone still no traces..... uuuuh God help me, God help us..... i av now resorted to prayers now
. cos i believe in miracles
i have called at there office but it is all auto-response, i av sent them mail but there reply is wait for ur parcel
. but i av sent them another mail so that they can atleast send me the tracking number so i can go claim it with my international passport... issues isn't it......
Meanwhile there is a yeoman developement in Accra now which will be of great advantage to u guys..... i call it e-MR. it is a mail with several pdf attachements( i.e all the medical package,viz passpot4to,the form,international passport etc) meaning no one will need to wait for NIPOST to come deliver the hardcopy. i know of two pple who have used this method last week and there are just awaiting there visa call while i am still running from pillar to post.....isues issues and issues...... let me just keep laughing so i won't end up having high blood pressure cos my BP will be tested . pls join me in laughing too
