Your case is developing very quickly; very good for you! When did you receive your AOR?abehola said:Mansoor,
The Jan 2010 written was an error, the application was sent Jan 2011 and the interview letter was dated 29th March as I wrote but just got to read it today. So, there isn't any confusion there.
egrace,egrace62 said:@ iceberg7: how is preparation going. we all are expecting ur good news in 6weeks time
Hi stillhope & egrace62,STILLHOPE said:hello coolguy,
Yes he can apply we will try to help him,before we calculate his points we need more information.
your friend ielts band and french knoweldge
wife qualification her french knowledge.
iceberg .. You r most welcome to ask any question.. Hope i sort out my laptop soon..Iceberg7 said:egrace,
Merci pour ta question..
Ma préparation marche bien pour le moment. Mais, je dois exercer la langue de plus.
J'ai déjà passé qlq entrevues en français; mais, absolument celle-ci est la plus importante.
Je suis un peu confus concernant la licence de l'ordre des ingénieurs.
Je ne suis pas certain des étapes nécessaires pour les profesionnels d'IT!!
(Je sais Shahi est occupé maintenant, mais je vais l'ennuyer plus tard)
Alors, comment ça va pour toi egrace?!
Je te souhaite une bonne chance.
S'il vous plaît mes amis .. continuer à prier pour moi jusqu'à le 26 mai!![]()
You won't believe it that I didn't get any AOR till I got the mail for the interview. Just keep checking your mail often as you might possibly not get any AOR as well you never can say.montreal789 said:Your case is developing very quickly; very good for you! When did you receive your AOR?
I am also in the priority list (pharmacy technician) although I have not received an AOR since Feb 2011 from Paris. Hope to get something soon!!!!!