tjax said:
I am from India. I am looking for immigration opportunities under Quebec Skilled Worker Program
Following is my profile
My Profile
Attribute Details "Points Expected"
Education Bachelor of Engineering 10
Area of training Information Technology 12
Year of Passing 2009
Expereince 4+ as a software Developer 8
Age 26 16
Fund Sufficiency yes 1
English L 9, S7, R8, W7 6
French None 0
Spouse's Profile
Education Bachelor of Engineering 3
Area of training Electronics And communication 0
Age 26 3
Total 59
I have three questions:
1) Will my BE in Information Technology Degree will be considered equivalent to Computer Science for Application Purpose? (in order to claim 12 points in area of training)
2) We are scoring 59 together. As I understand from the Immigration website I need 57 w/o adaptability and 63 with adaptability points. What are the chances of being allocated additional 4 points or more for adaptability without the knowledge of french?
3) We are planning to apply. Hence what are chances of our application getting accepted? If affirmative, Will we definitely get through?
Your calculations are correct.
BE/B-Tech with Information Science, Computer Engineering, Computer science and Engineering, Information Technology are falls on same page as per Indian education system.
Awarding adaptability is purely depends on the mood of the interviewer, your commitment to settle in the Quebec region, your knowledge on the region, your ground work done so far about your settlements plans.. etc
I would advice you to file your application now as you pass the minimum eligibility and start preparing for interview in order to make sure you get full points in adaptability( Like getting basic knowledge on french, studying Quebec geography and culture.. + you can have a plan to have a kid before interview..

, anyways you have at least two years to get interview as per present processing times)