Vienna jumped to 31 months... That is heavy...
Looks like you will be processed in 2015. For the rest of us here hopefully 2020
ES applied in July 2011, which means 9 month after you and she has yet to receive her CSQ. For you it was 13 months.
Why did you wait till January 13 to apply for Federal?
EDIT: for the record... I have been checking Vienna processing times for quite some time and comparing them to Paris and it used to be around 12, usually on par with Paris, or just 1-2 months behind. This seems outrageous. I would say and it seems so that they made some kind of deal with Quebec and they are stalling.
Vienna jumped to 31 months... That is heavy...
Looks like you will be processed in 2015. For the rest of us here hopefully 2020
ES applied in July 2011, which means 9 month after you and she has yet to receive her CSQ. For you it was 13 months.
Why did you wait till January 13 to apply for Federal?
EDIT: for the record... I have been checking Vienna processing times for quite some time and comparing them to Paris and it used to be around 12, usually on par with Paris, or just 1-2 months behind. This seems outrageous. I would say and it seems so that they made some kind of deal with Quebec and they are stalling.