Hello guys,
To share some of my landing experience,
I landed on 14th of may, The flight was so smooth and comfort (Mea through Geneva), i arrived to trudeau airport at around 2:15 min, 10 min earlier than the expected, went to the the first passport check office, he took the declaration form, and stamped my passport then discarded the visa, he directed me to collect luggage, then i went to the federal immigration office waited my turn for around 15 min then another 15 min the documents were all filled and ready to leave, but last step is the quebec immigration office, they instructed me and give me a settlement plan of stuff and errands should be done..
I had a friend piked me up from the airport and i am still staying over his llace, he has a car which helped me apply for all documents and errands within 2 days only, i opened bank account with TD bank, very helpful agent was there, they gave me visa card on spot and activated right away and they offered me free credit card of 1000$ as begining, free of fees and interests unless late to pay back the spending, finding a good lodgement is the most difficult part, finding a job is not too hard if you will accept a position out of your field in the start, because i already have 2 job offers as cachier in a shop and another in gas station, will start the training end of this month, it is all about language wether french or english, so you can integrate easier..
Out of the settlement topic, it is a crowded city in the peak houts, you can spend hours in the traffic, otherwise there are so many good scenes and places to visit, too many lebanese restaurants, the first day i spent here was too hot , humidity but less annoying shapness of the sun than lebanon, then the other day was too much rain, and finally yesterday my third day was too windy and cold around 5-9 degrees most of the time, so obviously the weather is not perfect most of the time..
Good luck for every one waiting for visas,