mike_mike said:
Well! I really can't understand the Canadian immigration system; I've just read some news about Canada offering to accept a small portion of the Syrian refugees... Hold on! what about young people who had applied and were accepted through the proper channels of immigration? apparently I had to make some chaos, illegally cross over other neighbors' borders, affect on that neighbors already bad economy, and frankly most of them are retarded, in order to easily get my visa by the speed of light... and not only Canadian visa, 17 other countries have offered visas...
In three more years, that same ingenious countries will start to wounder: why do we have terrorism...??
and the smart system has stroke again.
mike, check this list out:
There are currently 17 countries participating in the Syria resettlement/Humanitarian Admission Programme efforts. The countries that have made specific pledges are Australia, Austria,
, Finland, Germany,
Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain,

Sweden and Switzerland

. In addition, Denmark, France and the USA are participating, but have not yet provided specific numbers. Mexico has also
announced a financial contribution.