Vizaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa vizaaaaaaaaaaaaa

i got the fu**ing visaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yil3an allaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

guys ana 5ayykon Elie Haddad....into killkon debab bas ana b7ebbkonnnnnnnnnn
my medical test b 16/8/2013 visa valid la 16/8/2014
hek ken mbere7 l ecas :
We received your application for permanent residence on January 6, 2011.
We started processing your application on January 6, 2011.
We transferred your application to the Bucharest office on February 22, 2012. The Bucharest office may contact you.
Medical results have been received.
for more questions please dont hesitate,i love you all , wish u all and know that u will all get it soon <3 dibab :$