Actually the first link is much more informative than the second one.
Important parts are following:
1. % distribution of immigrations for regions (this looks just like the green card lotery for America where such distribution is done).
2. 70% of French speakers needed.
3. 40% for the CEC like applicants (job experience in Quebec or studied there).
So what is sais.
These numbers all called for all immigrants to Quebec (including Family and Refugees). On more detailed you can see that like 10 to 12% are for refugees and something below 5% for Family. For these 2 it is really random to ask for specific region or language knowledge. I cannot do much estimation for Family members, but for refugees we will be speaking principaly about region Asia (Syria, Iraq) and America (Venezuela, Mexico....).
So cut down those 15% for Family and Refugees (where if ever most will be without language or rather English speakers) and kind of another 5% for business stream (I am simply assuming that only half will speak some French and half will not, but still well equiped with money) and you can see that what is left there is practically imperative demand for French speakers for FSW like and CEC like (90% or more). You can also see demand for CEC applicants. (like 35% from outside Canada max).
And also those numbers and nothing to celebrate at, as I see no big increase in the most common category (Quebec version of FSW). Instead I see some cuts down as other categories are more supported.
What I am missing from that is the action plan from it. Meaning what will be the admition conditions in 2017. Also it is pretty clear, that they cannot go with the old system (with that might get control over language - putting it as must, but not over regional distribution).