90 minutes Interview experience . All in french
I reached hotel Hilton ParkSA @ 1.20 I waited for while to be called, it was late because couples interviews taking 2 hours.
The officer was very nice but very very strict.
He started to by the famous sentence, I will do your interview bla bla bla and I will give you either refuse or acceptance.
I answered acceptance for sure (He smiled)
1. Give me your passport please
(He checked all the pages & visas on it.
2. Where do you live
3. He opened the updated application DSC, started step by step.
4. Checked address, then he said oh you live in that place in abu dhabi, it very nice and expensive place ( I asked him have you been there, he smiled, seems he been there or his relative/
5. where do you work now, I answered
Sure he is going exactly through the application sections and updating all info on his laptop
6.Show me your experience letters, quickly give me all together
( I gave him, contracts/payslips and visa)
7. Why did you change your job
( I found new job better position and salary)
8. He went to my previous job
( I gave him all the documents)
9. You dont have payslips for the previous documents
( I sent it with the application)
He only asked about my job experience during the last 5 years
He moved into the updated CF application
10. WOW you saved lot of money, thats imposible to make in Quebec
( answered I am saving everything in order to buy house in quebec)
Switched to english
11. Why do you want to leave Abu Dhabi, your making lot of money.
( answered I am working since 10 years in Abu dhabi and I cant spend all my life there, one day they will ask me to leave, and I worked lot of projects and helped to growth of economy of the coutry, I find Quebec deserve to work for and help the economy and Quebec will not ask me to leave) He was so happy
Switched back to french
12. What do you know about Quebec
( I told him I read all Quebec history) he was surprised and asked me few questios (I answered all)
13. Name for me 5 cities in quebec
( laval, st laurant. marie ville ..... ) he said ok enough
14. Do you know who is the prime minister
( yes I always read news papers, Pauline Marios)
15. which news papers do you read.
16. what is the name of the ruling party
(parti quebecois)
17. Do you know any of the ministers
( yes Nicolas Marcau. Minister of finance & economy)
18. Tres beau relax ;D I interview some applicants, when I was them about Quebec, they answer me about SPAs they know

19. How you will find job
( When I obtain my CSQ I will submit my CV to Emploi Quebec and I can have interview though skype etc)
20. Do you have CV
( Yes and I gave him) he said big problem and he smiled, you put your photo, I answered quickly, It only for you to see, I know cv should not have age/sex/photo
21. Show me do you have jobs printed
( Yes and he took) He read it all and was asking me what you know in it
22. Why do you think that the managers in Quebec will hire you.
23. He started printing my CSQ
24. Do you play sport, what do you think about hokey etc you must learn hockey
25. Man if you see me in the metro in Montreal come say HELLO to me dont ignore me and he laughed
26. Do you know how much rents
( yes and I showed him prints)
27. Aha you speak spanish,
Switched to Spanish
28. Do you have kids
( No - in spanish )
29. where did you learn spanish and why did you choose spanish
30. Lets count your points now, 4 points for adaptability wow your score 58 points
( I answered tonight fiesta ) he laughed
31. welcome to quebec. dont go back to abu dhabi when you land in Quebec
( No for sure I will not go back all my life)
And much more I forgot. I was nice. he is around 55 years old very smart and kind
Good luck for all