well,i will share my expierence about interview to give help to everyone here

,i think stylove knows me ,one time we talked to each others by messegs

,anyway my interview was last year ,my profession is medicine with an expierence 2 years in privet hospital and more than 3 years and half in gouverement hosptials(total more than 5 years and a half),my age less than 35 years,my level in french language is B2(TCF),i speak english also but i did not do IELTS,i am not married,so the consult asked me about informations of my job and why did i selected the medicine to study,asked me also if i could not get a job in Quebec,what will i do?and asked my about rights of women and children there,while he was asking me ,he was checking all my documents carefully about stamps and seals(diploma,transcript,my diploma of secondary school original and transcript also,asked me if i pay for securite social ,i told him of course coz i was working in gouverment hospitals,he asked to prove that,i gave him offical original certificate of my salary every month in which the details about how much money i pay for social per month within all years of my working,he told me that it is good and right so he convienced of that

,i gave him also all my papers which regarding to my training in hospitals and what i was doing every day in hospitals(details about the nature of my profession plus all name of stages which i did within my job plus the recommendation of my chef of department states how many patients i treat everyday, after all this time which lasted one hour, he asked me to get out from office to take decision,i was very very very anxious,believe me guys,my heart was beating maybe 150 beat per minute,then he told me to enter again to room,he smiled and looked at me,told me that i passed interview sucessfully,he gave me CSQ and started to explain me which steps i should do,he was strict person but at the same time he was realistic,so guys u should just say the truth,everything be clear,don't lie ,clarify everything,tell them what u will do there and which ur plan there,and then they will give u CSQ,don't worry

,they r good people and they want from u just to be clear,frank with them.for me i am waiting the medical and visa now

at last hope i clarified everything and good luck.