Question 6F is for "Work and Education History". Question is (a) Have you worked in last 4 years? (b) Have you attended an educational institution in last 4 years?
Should COOP & the 8 week Volunteering done as part of COOP - be included under the question 6F? Is COOP done with NCP (Newcomer Centre of Peel) considered an education institution? Is volunteering considered work?
I know English language training (LINC) should NOT be included under 6F, but how about COOP & 8 week volunteering?
Appreciate the advise. Thank you.
Should COOP & the 8 week Volunteering done as part of COOP - be included under the question 6F? Is COOP done with NCP (Newcomer Centre of Peel) considered an education institution? Is volunteering considered work?
I know English language training (LINC) should NOT be included under 6F, but how about COOP & 8 week volunteering?
Appreciate the advise. Thank you.