Perfect, thank you for your response! I did the process on Thursday itself and will be receiving the attested copies today! I can fedex it to WES today, I just have one concern though, one of my marksheets has an internal backlog due to not appearing for one of the two internal exams as I was extremely unwell. Will this matter at all? In my transcripts this backlog will not show because they will print the revised marks from the next semester, when I did give the second exam and received revised marks, but then again, the transcript takes about 60 days to be delivered and sometimes even longer as per some blogs I've read, I don't want to delay the WES process waiitng for this. Overall, I have a first class with distinction on a 3 year average (BBA) in my degree, so I don't know what I should be doing? I don't want this little thing in one of my marksheets and my impatience to be a cause of concern later. That's the only backlog I've ever had all through my education, hence the excessive concern-
If you have all university mark sheets with you, you can get them attested at the Student Facility Center, Pune University Gate. Color or black and white both are fine as long as you have "University Attestation" on them.
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