need to go to our family doctor? i thought we can just do it online? Your province is alberta?
Yes, I am in Alberta and you can definitely order it online I believe but I think going through our family doctor was the faster way, see below
Option 1
Your first step should be to visit a participating health professional with whom you have a current care relationship (such as your family doctor or pharmacist) and ask to view or receive a copy of your record. They may require you to complete a
Request to Access Health Information form and pay a $25 processing fee to process this information.
Option 2
If you do not have a current care relationship with a participating health professional under Option 1, but have a current care relationship with Alberta Health Services (AHS), for example having recently received treatment in an AHS hospital, you may request a copy of your record from AHS. This request may be submitted informally, but in some circumstances you may be required to submit a formal request. For more information about this option, and how to proceed with a request, please contact Alberta Health Services Health Information Management at: or toll free 1-855-312-2265.
Option 3
If you do not have a current care relationship with a participating health professional under Option 1, or with Alberta Health Services under Option 2, you may approach Alberta Health to request a copy of your records. You must complete a
Request to Access Health Information form and submit it, along with a $25 processing fee, to Alberta Health. For more information about this option, such as where to send your form and payment, please contact the Alberta Health Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Office at 780-422-5111 or toll free by dialing 310-0000 then keying in 780-422-5111.
Tips for completing the Request to Access Health Information form:
- The custodian that you are making the request to will depend under which option you are requesting access (for example, your physician or Alberta Health).
- After listing the custodian you should include “/Alberta Netcare” to indicate you are seeking records from Alberta Netcare
- In the section that asks you for the required information, please specify that you are seeking information from your Alberta Netcare record and specify whether a certain portion or the entire record is being requested. Find out more about the types of information contained in Alberta Netcare.
- Please note that 2 pieces of ID will be required to complete this request. Make a photocopy of your Alberta ID / Drivers License and your Personal Health Number and submit the copies along with your form.