There is a space on the application forms (which form exactly escapes me right now) where they ask about the circumstances of your marriage. Since it was an arranged marriage (I assume), you will have to indicate that on the form. You won't be denied outright for having an arranged marriage but your application will be looked at more closely than one where the husband and wife had a long relationship before the marriage.
There is a big problem with people marrying Canadian permanent residents specifically to get residency themselves. People have even paid Canadians to marry and sponsor them. This is obviously illegal and wrong on many many levels so they want to ensure that your marriage is not one of convenience or solely for the purpose of getting residency. It's not that they are discriminating against your cultural values, but rather that they want to ensure that the people who are sponsored to Canada are in fact in a genuine relationship with their sponsor. So yes, you will be looked at more closely but only because of the few bad apples who have ruined it for the rest of us.