I am wondering what sort of documentation I will need to prove our relationship is genuine. We are getting married in August have been romantically involved for a year this month, acquaintances for about a year prior. We are in love and we are getting married much earlier than we would like because it is the only way for us to be together. We would love the opportunity to live together but it isn't possible. My concern is that we haven't been together long and although I can say that he is the love of my life and I want to spend the rest of my life with him and I know he feels the same I am willing to bet the government wont just take our word for it. He is a US citizen and I am Canadian. We don't have many photos together because we just aren't photo people! We have a few from last July none over Christmas as he had to work New Years and I was sick on Christmas. There are pictures of me with his family New Years although I do not have copies I could probably get some. I have another of us on the couch I sent to my mother when I was sick as a dog and look horrible. I guess you get the picture, haha pun intended. We just aren't picture people and every time we visit we intend to get pictures and we never do. What we do have though is phone records and skype calls. Text messages and skype text messages. Itineraries for trips and family members who could provide statements. I guess I need to know if it is enough? We will have our marriage certificate before we apply as well and wedding/honey moon pictures will be taken although we don't plan on hiring a professional as it is a very low budget event. I mean I only spent 310$ on my dress I am not going to hire a photographer for 1000$! I need that 1000$ for the application processing! So is it enough? Should I print out my hundreds of pages of messages? Everything is on facebook too, changed relation ship statuses etc. do I include that? What would you recommend I make sure to have? How much is enough?