Can any one advise on the possibilities of showing Proof of funds if one do not have history in the past 6 months meeting the eligibility criteria??

CIC doesn't ask for 6 month bank statements. They do ask for 6 months average balance. And the reason for that is simple - they want to be reassured that the funds aren't temporarily borrowed to show as POF. If you can convincingly prove to CIC that these funds are available to you and not borrowed, you don't need 6 month history.swsood1686 said:Can any one advise on the possibilities of showing Proof of funds if one do not have history in the past 6 months meeting the eligibility criteria??
Hello Asivad, my father has transferred money to my account and i have done fixed deposits with that money. My question is, is there a time limit for the money to be there in your bank account? Do i need to submit a letter from confirming that its not a temporary loan? Kindly advise.Asivad Anac said:CIC doesn't ask for 6 month bank statements. They do ask for 6 months average balance. And the reason for that is simple - they want to be reassured that the funds aren't temporarily borrowed to show as POF. If you can convincingly prove to CIC that these funds are available to you and not borrowed, you don't need 6 month history.
If it was transferred more than 6 months ago, it won't be a problem.Neetz said:Hello Asivad, my father has transferred money to my account and i have done fixed deposits with that money. My question is, is there a time limit for the money to be there in your bank account? Do i need to submit a letter from confirming that its not a temporary loan? Kindly advise.
Probably yes. Though I imagine that isn't a deciding factor in your OOPNP application process, it wouldn't hurt to let them know that you've been extended a gift.Neetz said:Thank you for your prompt response. Yes, it was done within 6 months time period.
I have already applied for OOPNP and for that i did not submit any letter related mentioning about the funds as ab gift. Should that be problem? Do you think it will be a good idea to send a mail to Ontario Immigration about it now? Kindly advise.
It won't cause suspicions or anything of that sort. It's just supplementary documentation. Like how some people might be sending out a missing ECA report or IELTS score card or whatever else.Neetz said:Thank you for answering. i was wondering if sent now, it may trigger something else, makes OOPNP suspiciousIf it isnt much of a concern for OOPNP, do you think its a good idea to stay quiet at this time and then if nomination received, informing them about the same? Your inputs will be helpful here. Thank you!