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Proof of funds - question regarding 6 months vs gift


Hero Member
Aug 12, 2015
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For proof of funds, I have the set plan below-

1. my account balance is very low now but i leave it like that.
2. Wait for ITA.
3. Once i get ITA, I request 12000 CAD transfer from my dad.
4. Get a signed self-declaration from donor aka my dad that its gift.
5. get 6 months bank statement from bank and if possible get a letter from bank mentioning 6 months average balance.

Now my questions are
1.will there be a problem as my 6 months average balance is very low when i submit ITA ?
2.if my bank refuses to give a letter, will 6 months bank statement will be enough ?
3.Now once i get the gift of 12000 cad, for how long or until what do i have to maintain that amount ?


Hero Member
Sep 27, 2015
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1. I guess it depends on how low your balance was prior to the transfer. I believe CIC would be Ok if you got a transfer of a few grands towards the end of the period in order to meet the fund requirements (provided you provide the necessary documentation). But if, for example, you'd only maintained <30% or less of the required funds throughout the period and then got a substantial transfer towards the end, I'd seriously doubt that the CIC agent would be impressed by your POF, whether the transfer was a legitimate gift or not.. That's just my opinion obviously.

2. Yes

3. Technically you should always maintain it, because you're going to need this money in order to support yourself (and dependants, if applicable) when you move to Canada. I don't think CIC checks with banks to verify these monies are still there when they process your application (frankly I don't think they're able to), but even then the Immigration officer upon Landing can ask you for proof of funds and he/ she is able to deny you entry if they weren't satisfied by your proof.


Hero Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Ufa6174 thanks for the replies.

As i don't have any funds,I am planning to get almost all of 12000 CAD required that will come from gift.

Looks like I will still need more opinions on my question no.1. & let me rephrase that -
Before submitting ITA -will there be a problem if my 6 months average balance is very low and all of 12000 CAD required for POF comes from gift ?

Asivad Anac

VIP Member
May 27, 2015
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nokia3315 said:
Ufa6174 thanks for the replies.

As i don't have any funds,I am planning to get almost all of 12000 CAD required that will come from gift.

Looks like I will still need more opinions on my question no.1. & let me rephrase that -
Before submitting ITA -will there be a problem if my 6 months average balance is very low and all of 12000 CAD required for POF comes from gift ?
That will not be a problem. Provided you can conclusively prove that the transaction is a gift not a loan and that the monies belong exclusively to you.


Hero Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Thanks Asivad Anac for the reply. For proving that its a gift as per my knowledge I would have to provide just 1 thing i.e. a self-declaration letter from the donor. Do i need to provide any more docs & if so what are they ?

lastly congratulations and your time & effort for helping others is very much appreciated. Plus best of luck for your future goals and happiness.

Asivad Anac

VIP Member
May 27, 2015
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nokia3315 said:
Thanks Asivad Anac for the reply. For proving that its a gift as per my knowledge I would have to provide just 1 thing i.e. a self-declaration letter from the donor. Do i need to provide any more docs & if so what are they ?

lastly congratulations and your time & effort for helping others is very much appreciated. Plus best of luck for your future goals and happiness.
Thank you! :)

What you need to provide is that self declaration, bank letter in required format with all details including 6 months average balance or 6 months of account statements and proof of credit and debit transaction for both accounts involved. There is an exhaustive thread by anujgupta84 on this topic - check that as well.

All the best!


Hero Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Thanks Asivad Anac for referring the thread.
I went form page 1 to page 15 & found that anujgupta84 recommends 3 things -
1.affidavit from donor 2.gift certificate from donor 3.net worth certificate of parents

Now i want to give only - 1.bank statement of me and 2.donor, 3.a self-declaration letter from donor.
Will that suffice ?

do need to go by 3 things recommended by anujgupta84 ?

Sorry for asking the same questions again even after still going through the thread

Asivad Anac

VIP Member
May 27, 2015
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nokia3315 said:
Thanks Asivad Anac for referring the thread.
I went form page 1 to page 15 & found that anujgupta84 recommends 3 things -
1.affidavit from donor 2.gift certificate from donor 3.net worth certificate of parents

Now i want to give only - 1.bank statement of me and 2.donor, 3.a self-declaration letter from donor.
Will that suffice ?

do need to go by 3 things recommended by anujgupta84 ?

Sorry for asking the same questions again even after still going through the thread
The documents indicated by you would suffice in addition to the letter from your bank which has all details required by CIC.


Hero Member
Nov 11, 2014
Asivad Anac said:
The documents indicated by you would suffice in addition to the letter from your bank which has all details required by CIC.
I did create a pdf in which I have scanned all the pages of my passport, would it be a problem? Do I have to scan only bio data page?

Asivad Anac

VIP Member
May 27, 2015
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FaizanAli46 said:
I did create a pdf in which I have scanned all the pages of my passport, would it be a problem? Do I have to scan only bio data page?
No harm in providing the entire booklet. They do ask for just the bio data pages.


Hero Member
Nov 11, 2014
Asivad Anac said:
No harm in providing the entire booklet. They do ask for just the bio data pages.
Thank you Asivad.. and by the way, I saw your timeline and I was really pleased to see that you got the passport request. :) All the very best man!

One more question, at what dpi should we scan the documents and what maximum file size is allowed to be uploaded?
My file's size is approximately 3.98 MB, would that be okay?


Hero Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Asivad Anac said:
The documents indicated by you would suffice in addition to the letter from your bank which has all details required by CIC.
Another question, what if my bank refuses to issue a letter as per CIC request. Will it okay as long as I provide 6 months bank statement stamped and signed by bank ?

Asivad Anac

VIP Member
May 27, 2015
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nokia3315 said:
Another question, what if my bank refuses to issue a letter as per CIC request. Will it okay as long as I provide 6 months bank statement stamped and signed by bank ?
That would suffice.