ovais said:
i filed my application on the 20th of august 2011. i have a query n wud appreciate if someone can answer it for me.
as proof of relationship i submitted the copies of marriage certificate of my mother and my maternal uncle.
i submitted the high school certificate for both persons which shows the name of their father.
i submitted the university degree for both persons which again shows the name of their father.
i submitted the copy of credit card invoice n one utility bill of my uncle which shows his name n address.
my question is if these documents are enuff or birth certificates are mandatory.
Hi - it is probably better to find a thread which relates to this topic or start a thread, rather than replying to someone's proof of funding query.
But anyway, to get points for relative in Canada in the adaptability section you have to prove 2 things
1) That they are related to you as one of the allowed relatives (brother/sister/uncle etc)
2) That they are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and are currently living in Canada
Point 1) is usually proven by showing the relevant birth certificates showing parents' names and details.
I am unsure if University degree certificates or high school certificates will suffice for this, since just the name of their father IMO is not sufficient proof. CIC also need to see things like date of birth and place of birth of the parent to prove it is actually the same person. It is possible for people to have a father with the same name and it is a different person. So certainly without birth certificates this is a question mark.
But a bigger concern IMO is what proof have you given to show that your uncle is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident? A credit card bill will not prove his residency status - you need a copy of his Canadian passport or Permanent Resident card.
IMO the documents you have provided will not be enough for proof of relative.
Can I please ask the status of your application? If you are at the visa office stage then I would get notarized copies of birth certificates and also a notarized copy of your uncle's Canadian passport or current Permanent Resident card and send these as soon as possible to the visa office with a covering letter saying you wish to provide them as additional documentation.
If you're still at the CIO stage then it is very difficult to send additional documentation without file number etc.