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Proof of funds - declare all?


Full Member
Jun 9, 2015
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Hello all,

For my PoF, I got an official letter from my bank listing all my accounts and all the other necessary details except for the 6 month average. They say no such document exists. Go figure. So instead I will be attaching my account activity to my application. My question is:

I have a few different accounts in my bank. Some in my local currency, some in USD. But they all average around 3000-4000 USD a month in total, which is nowhere close the required amount.
My main source of funds is placed in a separate account in the form of a gift from my father (with LOA and affidavit attached and everything) and it was opened last month.

I'm considering only submitting the statement for this last account as the funds in the others are insufficient anyway. Do you think that's okay? My main concern is not overcomplicating my application.

Thanks. :)


Star Member
Sep 10, 2015
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I think if you submit only that account which has the gift from your father a month ago, it may be a problem. I think (I can't remember where I read that) you need to disclose where that money came from if it came so recently.

There are a lot of other people here who had this same problem i.e. the money was gifted from their family recently. You need to check with those guys, search previous threads.

As for showing your other accounts, I believe you should include them anyway just to be on the safe side. However, there is a limit of 4 MB for the size of the PDF you upload. In my case, I couldn't fit my main current account bank statement in the PDF because it would make it exceed the size, so I didn't include it and I mentioned that in the Letter of Explanation and mentioned that I'm happy to provide it if requested and given the means to send it.

Good luck.


Full Member
Jun 9, 2015
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Thanks! I've read most of those threads. Even started one myself on the same subject but I still wasn't satisfied hence the new thread. :)

I'm disclosing where the money came from in the form of a letter from my father, the transaction receipt and putting the transaction details in my LoA.

I think I can work around the PDF limit by compressing the files but like I said my main concern is overcomplicating my application. The other 4-5 accounts have a lot of small transactions on them and all have a lower balances than required. And I will have to include not only the originals but also official translations. That's a lot of documents to sift through for CIC none of which exactly help my case.

Asivad Anac

VIP Member
May 27, 2015
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Ignore all other accounts. It's not about showcasing every penny you've saved. Just show the required amount in any given bank account and provide conclusive evidence that the money belongs exclusively to you and isn't borrowed.