jhutti said:
Borac which designated accerlator is fine with 15 percent equity and 100k CAD fee. I am interested in it
Can't disclose it. Visit the websites of the designated accelerators and on most of them there's info on how much equity they want (from 0% to 10%+) and what fee they charge (from none to several thousands CAD per month). Make sure you browse their websites well and dig that info up. Those accelerators that don't disclose this info publicly they're deciding on equity and fee on case by case basis, depending on the stage of your business, revenue, future projections, business plan, and many other factors.
Generally non-profit, government-backed-up accelerators take no equity and don't charge fee, but they don't take risk either, so they will vouch only for very lucrative, prospective and already developed start-ups. On the other hand for-profit accelerators will take risk but they will take equity from you and will charge you a fee to remedy the risk.
I hope this helps.