Hi can anyone answer my question, we are just gathering the documents to submit our Canadian Experiance class applicationon the document check list it states for all dependants under the age of 18 to provide "proof of custody and that they may be removed from the juristriction of the court." However I'm slightly confused by this as I am the biological parent of my son, his biological father is not listed on his birth certificate and has no involvement in his life what so ever (to be pefectly honest doesn't know of his existance for personal reasons). So why would I need to prove custody when there has never been any issue with custody in his life and I am his mother? Any help would be appreciated on how to prove custody or if this is needed and where I would get such information?? We have been finally able to get our application together to get submitted without being returned as incomplete and this part has me completely stumpped??!!
Many Thanks
Many Thanks