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  1. K

    Proof of Custody????

    Hi can anyone answer my question, we are just gathering the documents to submit our Canadian Experiance class applicationon the document check list it states for all dependants under the age of 18 to provide "proof of custody and that they may be removed from the juristriction of the court."...
  2. K

    Processing times for FSW/PNP applications

    Hi We were just wondering if anyone knows the current waiting times for FSW applications. I read on the CIC site that it was only taking 6 months as we are in canada on a TWP. Any help would be great. Thinking of may be switching to the PNP rather than doing FSW due to application times. Should...
  3. K

    Continuing to work if TWP expired

    I have been advised that if an application has been logged for work permit renewal and is in the system when our current one expires we are still able to continue working is this information correct? Thanks Kirsty
  4. K

    TWP LMOs not being issued

    Thanks for the replies, it eases our minds.
  5. K

    TWP LMOs not being issued

    Hi I read on another forum that there are currently no LMOs being issued, we live in Alberta and need to renew our work permit while awaiting PR to be completed has anyone had this problem? Or been told no more LMOs are being issued, the post suggested that due to the current economic problems...