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Prolonged Delay - Delhi Received Passport 70 days ago / 106 days completed


Nov 5, 2008
Dear seniors and friends,

I am MENTALLY depressed with prolonged delays with our application.
Every Monday / Tuesday I hope that something will change on E-CAS and this week lost all my hopes.

It is almost 106 Days completed after New Delhi Started Processing since February 3rd, 2010.

It is almost 70 Days Completed after we send the Passport of me and my son. My son is just 3 years old and he was 2.6 years old when original application was filed at CPC-M.

Also - Immigration File Number is B0558***** [FRQ]
Can you please help me understand what is [FRQ] at the end of the file number. I asked this question to many people and no one answered me. We already ordered CAIPS Immigration file and don’t know when we will receive it.

This is our First Marriage for both of us and our son was born in USA. My Husband used to work in USA on H1B for some time and we were in USA for 2.5 years and my son was born during that time. We submitted all the FBI Clearance and Indian Police Clearance Certificates last year when our application process started.

Our Application is from Quebec and My Husband contact Local MP Last week and on Monday; MP from Montreal contacted New Delhi for Status. Till Now we have not received any response from MP Office.

We send an email enquiry on May 3rd. 2010 and after 7 days they replied that they received our passports and there gave standard reply.

This our timeline at New Delhi –

1. CHC – New Delhi started processing our application on February 3rd, 2010.
2. Initial PPR was issued on February 5th, 2010, but due to postal delay it reached we on February 15th, 2010 and they requested all Indian Police Clearance Certificate.
3. Dr (DMP) already sent completed Medical Examination Reports on February 8th, 2010.
4. CHC – New Delhi returned our Wedding and Son Birthday’s Photos on March 4th, 2010.
They requested for passport again and Latest Indian PCC.
5. We mailed Passports and Requested Documents and CHC- New Delhi Received on March 11th, 2010.
6. My Husband mailed the Quebec CSQ Certificate with some more photos to CHC – New Delhi on March 23rd, 2010. I think Quebec will also send CSQ Documentation to New Delhi directly.

As far as Background Checks are concerned – We stayed only in one country USA for little over 2 years. We submitted Local Police, State Criminal and FBI Finger-printing Clearance Certificates and it is almost 70 days they received all information. I don’t know what they are doing with passport for so long.

We are depressed and unable to focus on life –
1. Is it a mistake or punishment for staying or travelling in a foreign country legally for some time?
2. Are we punished by giving birth to our son in a foreign country?

Please answer me whether CHC- New Delhi will call for Interview again after 106 days and after returning all our wedding and son birthday’s photos.

How to check whether CHC – ND had completed Background Checks?
We are planning to send email case enquiry tomorrow on Background Checks.

We really appreciate if you can help us in any way to find more information.



Well I think if they have asked for your passport I dont believe they will call you for interview. To get more information you can call your local Member of Parliment and they can make an enquirey into your case and they can find out what is going on. I think the security check is a bit longer if you have lived in another country beside India. Calling the MP is the best thing. Good luck


You must remember delhi is the busiest of all visa offices,if they requested your passport dont assume anything,i understand the wait is unbearable sometimes.Call,email,fax the visa office ask for an update.
God mine has only been in the visa office since april 12th im going crazy already lol its like an addiction,but dont worry it will come to you.But inquire.


Nov 5, 2008
Dear Friends,

Thanks for responding to my questions !

Just Now I received email response from CHC - New Delhi for my Case Enquiry Send on May 10, 2010. They Responded on May 18th, 2010.

Do You Think they will notify me if there is any Interview after 120 days. As I mentioned they returned all our Wedding Photographs on March 04, 2010. We are were worried about this Interview Call after 4 months. This is our First Marriage, Stayed in USA for 2.5 years, our Son is born in USA, right now my husband is in Montreal and Contacted MP office.

Is the Below eMail response is the Invitation for Interview Call?
Why did they took 4 months to decide for Interview, if any?

Any Advise or Suggestions?
Dear Sir/Madam,

This is in response to your recent email enquiry to the Immigration Section of the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi.

Please be advised that your processing is almost complete and you would be hearing from our office very shortly.

We trust that this information will be of assistance.

Immigration Section / Section de l’immigration
Canadian High Commission / Haut-Commissariat du Canada
7/8 Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi
India / Inde