abhiindia said:
I am looking for either seneca or humber or sheridan project management.
But as I am IT grad so I was thinkng to go for seneca as its project managment is specifically for IT but some told me sheridan and humber provides good job support and even their employment rate is higher than seneca????
Is it so??!!
and coz of this i am not able to finalize my course
my profile
10th 82.6%
12th 77%
Btech 62%
3 yrs of working exp(8 months IT company and rest in a bank)
Sheridan is one of the top institutes in Canada, but its very expensive. they do have excellent links students usually get jobs sooner than other institute's students. by the looks of your name, im guessing you are from India, so think of some very famous Indian institute where fees are very high but high profile students (because of higher fees) study. they definitely have more chance of getting more scope.
telling this from experience, i.e, an MBA Sheridan costs almost twice as from other universities in Canada.
if i were you, and i had financier, i would choose Sheridan.