Re: Processing times @ Los Angeles
e-CAS was the best way I found to track my application status. Sometimes, however, I have received correspondence from CIC before any information contained in it was posted online. For intsance, my status online reads like yours at this point (except that it isn't even stated that they have received my medical results), and yet I already received the passport request in the mail. It just depends on how things fall with respect to when they update the online database versus when they sent a letter through the post.
Have you logged your case on trackitt? That's a good way to see what's going on with other people's applications, how long various parts of the process take, etc. If you are interested in knowing more about how my process has gone, feel free to take a look at my blog. There is also quite a bit of information here in the forum on the CAIPS notes. It doesn't sound like those would be interesting for you at this point, but if things drag on or an interview is requested they might be.
I know that waiting for information can be difficult. It does sound like your case is making forward progress, so that's good news!