I’m June 2018 PNP Saskatchewan applicant
Hello guys
Need help regarding the procedural fairness letter I received for my pnp PR application. I went back to home country in March 2020, for just less than 2 months and got stuck in Covid. However got back on December 1, now under quarantine.
The officer said in the letter:
“”””Job Offer / Intent to reside
According to the information provided within your application for Permanent Residency, you left Canada in March 2020 and have been in India since that date.
Your current work permit is restricted to Subway and the nomination is based on your intent to reside in the province of Saskatchewan.
Based on the information you provided on August 17, 2020, I am not satisfied that you intend to reside in the province that nominated you and that you still have a valid job offer.
Before I make a final decision, you may submit additional information relating to this issue.
You have 30 days from the date of this letter to submit additional information to me via your MyCIC account.
If you choose not to respond with additional information I will make my decision based on the information before me, which may result in the refusal of your application.
I look forward to receiving your additional information.””””
However, while I was in India, my owner sold the subway to someone else! The new employer would give me work as my WP is under that subway as it mention subway and location of the town I work in on my work permit. So, if I provide job offer from the new owner of subway and a photo of weekly schedule that I’m working at the same location along with my residency proof like rental agreement, would that be sufficient?
please help! Thank you