Hello qxoil good luck for your Visa ! please if u guide me to start my TRV online application ! I need your suggestions I looking to submit my application online and wants to give bio metrics at Karachi VAC..
My Questions are ?
I am wondering to attend the engagement ceremony of my Maternal Cousin Sister, she moved to Saskatchewan for her job and living their from last six months, she is sponsoring me for my trip to Canada ! what documents I need from her and what documents should I attach with my application from my side. She is Permanent Resident of Canada and very soon she will get her Canadian Passport. I have my Maternal Aunt and friend also in Ontario, they will also provide me Invitation letter to visit them ! should I attach all three invitation letters ? what else I need to make my application successful ?
Can you provide me the Sample letter of Invitation + Letter of Support + Purpose of Trip ?
I have seen the Form and can't understand what should I will write on the 1st page at option 1 to 3 are they for office use ? after filling this form I need to valide this form ?
I have seen that in form there are space for two persons who are inviting you in Canada, but I have 3 Invitations so how I will add 3rd one ?
I will really appreciate if you help me through my process. my email is shaziamalick @ yahoo . com
Thank you
Kind Regards,
Shazia Malick