I am a software engineer with 4+ years experience. In that time i have worked in different software houses with different designations like "Junior Web developer", "Software Engineer" and "Senior Software Engineer". According to my experience , my NOC code is 0213 - Computer and Information Systems Managers. But in that main category of "Computer and Information Systems Managers" there are total of 69 subcategories as mentioned here.
I need to ask that ,On the immigration form of Canada, where it asks for work experience, there are columns like
From To Occupation NOC
Y M Y M ----- 0213
I need to ask that in above occupation column what can i enter. If i enter "Junior Web Developer" then that title cannot available in the above link . Please guide in filling me the occupation column, because i have worked with different designations and i am confused at that moment.
Looking forward for your reply.
Best Regards,
I am a software engineer with 4+ years experience. In that time i have worked in different software houses with different designations like "Junior Web developer", "Software Engineer" and "Senior Software Engineer". According to my experience , my NOC code is 0213 - Computer and Information Systems Managers. But in that main category of "Computer and Information Systems Managers" there are total of 69 subcategories as mentioned here.
From To Occupation NOC
Y M Y M ----- 0213
I need to ask that in above occupation column what can i enter. If i enter "Junior Web Developer" then that title cannot available in the above link . Please guide in filling me the occupation column, because i have worked with different designations and i am confused at that moment.
Looking forward for your reply.
Best Regards,