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Problem In Filling New Generic Form


Full Member
May 17, 2010

Thanx for the tip. However, I've already sent the form with dates written by hand and explained in the cover letter - thus not withholding any info.


1. Don't send without validation/bar codes.

2. The form is designed in a way that it will not allow any wrong entry / extra information. Even if its an error on Q-13, the form gets validated without these dates (if status 'Other' is selected) thus indicating that the information might not be required (for the form available on CIC website as of today).

3. You don't require submit translation/copies of iqama or entry/exit visa pages to the visa office. Where did this requirement come from? For the current country of stay, the PCC is enough as it clearly mentions the duration of stay from the date of arrival. It is strongly recommended to send PCC with the initial application.

4. Visa Office timings are really unpredictable. Processing depends on host of factors including the NOC you are applying in, the load on visa office etc. If you are an Indian national, ND VO seems to be a better option as it will give you the flexibility of depositing the passport(s) personally for visa stamping during your planned visit to India - in case the process gets to that stage, God willing.



Hero Member
Jun 8, 2011
Visa Office......
New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
12th July 2011
IELTS Request
fkk said:

Thanx for the tip. However, I've already sent the form with dates written by hand and explained in the cover letter - thus not withholding any info.

If you had to write the dates by hand, were you able to validate and get the bar code page ? as I understand that the selection is necessary for the validation to be complete.



Full Member
May 17, 2010

As I mentioned earlier, if you fill 'Other' and 'Dates' in Q13/Dependents, the validation process gives a message that 'You entered extra information which is not required'.

It then gives a second error message that 'Status field should contain a valid value'. Then it takes you back to the form with status field highlighted in red and empty.

When you reselect status as 'Other' the dates get wiped out automatically. If you validate the form now, it goes ahead, without any hitch, generating the bar codes.

Hence, my assumption that the current error, if any, in form does not require the dates for dependents in the current country of stay for validation. However, to cover up any ambiguity, I filled the dates by hand and explained the same in cover letter.



Hero Member
Jun 8, 2011
Visa Office......
New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
12th July 2011
IELTS Request
fkk said:

As I mentioned earlier, if you fill 'Other' and 'Dates' in Q13/Dependents, the validation process gives a message that 'You entered extra information which is not required'.

It then gives a second error message that 'Status field should contain a valid value'. Then it takes you back to the form with status field highlighted in red and empty.

When you reselect status as 'Other' the dates get wiped out automatically. If you validate the form now, it goes ahead, without any hitch, generating the bar codes.

Hence, my assumption that the current error, if any, in form does not require the dates for dependents in the current country of stay for validation. However, to cover up any ambiguity, I filled the dates by hand and explained the same in cover letter.


Thanks for clarifying, fkk - dint know this was possible as I got tired with the prompt so proceeded the way I mentioned earlier .



Thanks fkk for further explanation about the data record by bar codes.
What you said makes a lot of sense and I have filled the generic form the way you advised :)

I am currently residing in Saudi Arabia and the iqama is Arabic. The travel documents required (as per document checklist) IF
I apply from London (not the visa office of the country of origin , India in my case), then I am required to submit proof of lawful
entry as well as status documents.

The application guide strongly advises to get notarised translationsof any document that is not in English/Arabic.

Hence, I presume I will have to submit all visas and iqamas(translated) if I apply from London. ???

Can you kindly read the section 8 of the document checklist (travel documents) and advise, if I can skip all this if I apply from Delhi ?

This is the only thing that is holding me from mailing my application :'( , so I would appreciate if you would reply ASAP.


Full Member
May 17, 2010

Item # 8 in checklist clearly specifies that 'proof of admission is required only if the visa office you have selected is NOT the visa office responsible for your country of nationality...'.

If you select ND as your VO, then proof of admission in KSA is not required - PCC will suffice.

If you select London as your VO, then proof of admission is required and shall include:
1. Notarized copy of iqama bio-data page + all extension pages
2. Notarized English translation of iqama bio-data page + all extension pages
3. Copy of PP page showing first date of entry - translation not required

However, just comparing the number of countries for which London is responsible (22) to the number of countries for which ND is responsible (3), it will require a very strong justification/conviction at your end to select London over ND.




exactly !

Considering all discussed, it would need a strong justification/conviction to choose London over Delhi.

I just wasn't sure whether I understood the section 8 correctly , so wasn't convinced enough to apply from Delhi :(

Now I am convinced to apply from Delhi .

Cannot thank you enough for your guidance and help ! :)