I have studied class 1 in 1987,class 2 in 1988 and class 3 in 1989 in one school(MPGHS). Then I have sifted to another school(St.Joseph) in 1990 and studied in class three again in 1990 there. So, in schedule 1 , section 10, should I write
1987 to 1989 MPGHS
1990 to 1998 St.Joseph
1987 to 1988 MPGHS
1990 to 1998 St.Joseph
In BSc and MS, the session and passing year is different due to session jam. Session of BSc is 2001- 2004 but passing year is 2007.
In this case should I write the session in section 10 and provide explanation in different page? if so , how?
1987 to 1989 MPGHS
1990 to 1998 St.Joseph
1987 to 1988 MPGHS
1990 to 1998 St.Joseph
In BSc and MS, the session and passing year is different due to session jam. Session of BSc is 2001- 2004 but passing year is 2007.
In this case should I write the session in section 10 and provide explanation in different page? if so , how?