Yes. The first GCMS showed
Review of all information including clients previous employment and educational history. I am not satisfied that the course of study is reasonable givenn the high cost of International study in Canada when weighed against the potential career benefits. I am unable to assess a clear career path for the applicant which such an educational program and how it would be of benefit to the applicant given that he has achieved a bachelor of technology major in mechanical engineering. As sucj, the applicants motivation nto pursue training on the elements of applied manufacturing management in Canada at this point doesn't seem reasonable. Based on the above balance, I am not satisfied that this applicant is a bona fide student. weighing the information on hand in this specific case, the applicant has failed to establish that they are a bona dide temporary resident who will leav Canada following the completion of their studies pursuant to section R216 (1)(b) of IRPA. REFUSED.
Second one was
Application reviewed. Education background noted as well as language results. Education shows weak results making applicant an unlikely candidate for foreign studies. Overall, Iam not satisfied on Balance that the applicant is a bona fide intending student