The 'Record of Landing' is completed while 'landing' for the 1st time. For this purpose the PA 'must' land 'first' or alongwith 'all', or 'few' of his accompanying family members. Anyone or more or all of his family members 'cannot' land first w/out the PA. -That's the law.
That means 'accompanying dependents' can always 'land' later [individually or in groups], but NOT before the PA lands. And everyone must 'land' on or before the expiry date of the visa/s, which is pasted on their Pps.
No. of ........ Funds Required (Cdn$)
1 ............... $11,086
2 ............... $13,801
3 ............... $16,967
4 ............... $20,599 <Your case
5 ............... $23,364
6 ............... $26,350
7 or more ... $29,337
For the 'Record of Landing', irrespective of the no. of family members performing the 1st landing, the entire POF [as per the chart above] must be shown to the IO at the POE. Subsequent 'landings' by the 'accompanying dependents' do not need to show the POF
That means, whether the PA alone or one or more of his family members are 'landing' for the 1st time, the above funds are required. It's another matter whether the IO at the POE doesn't ask for it [very often that happens]. But, w/out the POF our entry can be 'Denied'.