Forum users claiming that the score will never dip bellow 450 make me laugh... in the early days of EE, people were claiming it would never go bellow 800 and it did, then after a few draws, people were claiming it would never go bellow 600 and it did, now at 453, people are claiming that it will never go bellow 450... I see a pattern here. Maybe it has something to do with June coming up... Anyone picked on or after June might not get PR up until 2016, which means that they will be part of the 2016 target, and not this years. Maybe CIC will open the floodgates again in June sending out a higher number of ITAs to reach 2016 targets. Right now I think it's limiting the number of ITAs to make it easier for imigration officials to process as many applications as fast as possible to get to the 2015 target. The less applications to process, the faster the job gets. I'm waiting for either another CEC-specific drawing, or for the scores to continue to lower to receive my ITA at 422. All predictions are now useless, only thing you can do is try to raise your CRS score anyway possible, or wait it out and see what the stabilized CRS scores turns out to be. I doubt it will be stabilized at 450, it's not like there's thousands of applicants left with that number or higher in the pool. Still at least 7 draws to go.