My point was about the wait employers have to go through if they use the Job Bank. I understand the point you are making. However, in my opinion, 7% unemployed workforce aren't tantamount to 7% qualified and competent workforce. Employers would be happy to hire qualified and competent workforce from the Job Bank.The_Distant_One said:With unemployment at 7ish percent of course canada wants to make sure that a company is doing everything it can to hire those already here.
Score wont go below 440 until june. All of us between 400 amd 450 wont be in until after the election
I agree they want to but of coursecanada wants to make sure those coming through job bank are on the same opplrtunity as local Canadians. The problem with making overseas hiring easier is that thosefrom third world countries will acceptfar lower salaries which is detrimental tothe canadian work force. So of course ths canadian government are going to make it hard.michael.fernando said:My point was about the wait employers have to go through if they use the Job Bank. I understand the point you are making. However, in my opinion, 7% unemployed workforce aren't tantamount to 7% qualified and competent workforce. Employers would be happy to hire qualified and competent workforce from the Job Bank.
Very well said ButterflyChemistButterflyChemist said:You are told you are eligible for immigration through a particular program (FSW,CEC etc) as determined by your EE profile. This does not guarantee an ITA. In the eyes of CIC, a lower score is an indicator that an individual may have problems integrating into Canadian society and could become a burden to the country. This is not their desire. EE is used to ensure that the most qualified applicants get first shot a PR and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
There is absolutely no reason why anyone should lose productivity. It's not as though we need to join a line at CIC offices the world over to get our tickets into Canada. If necessary use the time devising means of improving your scores by whatever means are available to you. Moaning and groaning is certainly not a productive use of anyone's time.
You can still sit the IELTS and get CLB 10+ equivalent score.chopsumbongw said:Sitting on 435 points I can't be anything but hopeful. The uncertainty, the stress and the fatigue can be overwhelming. At times I can't even do my current job in peace because my thoughts wander towards "what if??".
The only thing we can do at this point is sit back, relax and enjoy what you have right now. You can't make CIC lower or increase the number of ITA they pick.
If you have room for improvement on your language scores. Do that.
And if you're like me with CLB 9+ in all sections there is nothing more you can do. Unless you want to go back to school...
I for one hope to get the PR and then pursue a masters degree in Canada.
If all else fails my alternate route would be to pursue a Masters in Canada before a PR.
Guys on a side note. Many of us qualify for Australian immigration as well. It doesn't hurt to give that a look as well.
Best of Luck Everyone!
Completely rightaffan_123 said:Dear all,
People who are not getting ita's even though their scores are 453 or above Need to analyze themselves why they haven't received the ita. Let me tell you the good reason, its not about scoring high its about factors also need to be looked at. Cic is not a welfare to give ita's to everyone who ever scores high. Your age, experience relevant education also means alot to cic. Cic does not want people to reside and live in canada they want us to grow their economy, to pay taxes and contribute your role in making the economy better.
So don't believe in your scores believe what you can contribute in Canada that's worth understanding
True, I'm reading strange information for the first time in this thread.EmmEmm said:there is no cherry picking. everyone over the cut off gets an ITA