This forum is for people who have enquiries about their applications and documents. Some people have family and businesses abroad and many other personal circumstances. Some people are under pressure because of Covid, other people, like you, are not under pressure. What I see here from this comment and the comment you posted before saying ' Keep complaining guys ' means one thing: it means that you are not really happy and got something to prove, plus you have no respect for others. Basically if you're happy waiting for your documents, good for you, but don't trash others and pretend to be a happy positive person. If you were waiting 38 years for this moment, we are all happy for you, but that doesn't mean that you are our idol and we should follow you. This space here for people with queries, if you don't have one, go enjoy your life, or at least don't trash others. Nobody got anything to do with your 'forced happiness ' looooool