Did anyone get the AOR submitting the Passport - PR (only) as ID?
as far as you guys know, is the PR a valid ID? I submitted under the 3/5 rules just passport and PR.
Let me know your thoughts,
The Public Safety Canada lists the PR as a valid ID...
here the link:
There is some uncertainty about whether a PR card will suffice as one of two required pieces of identification, most of it leaning unfavourably.
The Public Safety list of acceptable forms of identification includes documents which will NOT suffice as one of the two required pieces of identification to be submitted with a citizenship application, such as a Landing Document or CoPR, among others.
The PR card is NOT listed as an example of accepted forms of identification in the instructions or guide for citizenship applications.
While there has been at least one anecdotal report of an applicant receiving AOR who purports to have relied on the PR card as one of the pieces of identification, there is also at least one anecdotal report of an application returned with the following:
The photocopies of your identity documents are missing or are illegible.
You have not submitted two identification documents.
We are very confused, because they had included copies of both sides of their PR and their passport.
There is more discussion about this in a topic titled: "For post-C6 applicants who received AOR, did you use PR card as ID?" No one has yet posted in that topic that they got AOR without including any identification other than a passport and the PR card, but some have referenced a post in another topic by a participant who apparently did.
An isolated anecdotal report or five is not a reliable source.
If you have already sent off an application with no other form of identification, relying on your passport and PR card, all you can do is WAIT and SEE how it goes. And let the forum know if you get AOR, or if your application is returned.
For anyone who has not yet sent off the application, better to include an additional form of identification, drivers license or health card preferably.
Overall, we will just have to wait to see if there are enough reports to clearly discern if IRCC generally accepts PR cards as one of two required pieces of identification.