Hi Guys,
I need some assistance in filling the Schedule A form. I am asked to provide Address History (Section 12) and Personal History (Section 8 ).
I have question, I am currently in Canada and doing Job and under Ontario PNP - CEC class for Express Entry. I visited my Country 2 times, 1 time to USA and one day transit Visit to Qatar and 3 Day trip to Dubai.
I was International Student for my first visit of 20 days to my country. Due to fog flight was cancelled and stayed in Qatar for 1 day.
I am Temporary Resident and doing full time job for my 2nd visit of 30 days to my country.
I am Temporary Resident and doing full time job for my visit 2 days to USA.
I visited Dubai for 3 days to attend conference while I was in my country and doing full time job.
I already applied for CSQ and it was rejected and checked "yes" in the list. It was rejected due to Document format not as per requirement. What should I write in explanation , any one can help me.
Kindly guide on this.