Not from Iraq, and didn't walk across from the US. You have a very basic view towards refugees. I don't need language classes, or welfare. Again basic view of a refugee. I'm well off, I come from a prominent family. Canada has 30 something millions citizens, and it's the 2nd biggest country. With my knowledge, and expertise; i'm boosting it's economy, hopefully populating it

and adding on to its tax revenues. If i were to really balance it on scale, it's in this nation's benefit that i'm here contributing to its communities, and broadening its research. I'm not sure why you have such a view of refugees, not everyone is out to get Canada's healthcare and welfare haha. Refugees can be educated, take direct flights, and not depend on social aid programs. I do agree that Iraqis have had a hard time due to the US, but that's another story. As for Canada, i'm grateful sure; but it's a country by immigrants for immigrants, i'm just jumping on the bandwagon like you have i'm assuming
