- Jul 17, 2010
- 72
- NOC Code......
- [IMG]http://www.crossed-flag-pins.com/genimg/flaggen/Canada-180-animated-flag-gifs.gif[/IMG]
- LANDED..........
- PCC at ease : http://www.passportindia.gov.in/AppOnlineProject/welcomeLink
DEAR FRIENDS ! I would like to invite all applicants of New Delhi Visa Office who had sent their applications under Ministerial instructions - 3 from JULY 2011 Onwards. I will be updating sheet on daily basis.Please update your details and if there are any discrepancies in the sheet ,please update with corrections.Regards. Here is the link for the spreadsheet : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArX6c19W7UdtdHE3ZnF4S3E4R0ZaV010SjdIdVdoeEE&hl=en_US