Hi Asivad!
I just want to ask on to how fill up my Personal Histor y. The last question there is "Have you listed all your military service or organizations that you belong to?". I dont have any military experience or organizations. What should I answer? Yes, No, or Not applicable. I am confused on what to answer.
Answer Not Applicable.
Second question is should I input Canada on my travel history? This is my first travel outside the Philippines. Should I also input my husbands travel history under my profile? I believe that I should input his travel history under his profile.
No harm in providing this information.
Third question is I have ony 37 days left to submit my documents. I am worried about my husbands PCC that I've already requested from Dubai Embassy in the Phiilppines. They told my husband that it will take 2 to 3 months to release. Asivad what should I do? Decline the application? I dont want to loose the opportunity. I hpoe and praying that you will answer all my questions. Thank you in advanvce.
Wait till the 59th day before submitting the application. Upload an LOE regretting/apologizing for the delay in applying for the PCC, upload supporting evidence of application and politely inform the officer that you waited this long for the PCC and will upload it as soon as you receive the same. If they still cancel your application, you can send in the PCC using a CSE (Case Specific Enquiry) and push for reopening your case. Don't decline the ITA on this basis.
I've read all your post and its very impressive