guys. Is there any sheet that you are sharing timeline? Where can I find that?
+ I applied on May 18th and still waiting.
Good luck everyone!New day, new hope. Best of luck everyone.
So annoying, I’m beginning to blame myself for not going to the border for flagpole. It’s pretty easy and many people I graduated with do flagpole without any problemDo we have anyone here who applied on 15 May or after and got approved yet? Still they are processing 14th May from 2 weeks. It's becoming really annoying.
It's normal to feel like that but try not to. No one knew it would take this long, we'll get it in a little while and a month from now all this will be history sp stay strong and optimistic.So annoying, I’m beginning to blame myself for not going to the border for flagpole. It’s pretty easy and many people I graduated with do flagpole without any problem
Wow. If you applied online, it’s passed the processing time, have you tried calling them?no
nothing yet104 days
Yeah already did! She just said everything seems good we will let you know the decision soon! And that soon was 2 day agoWow. If you applied online, it’s passed the processing time, have you tried calling them?
Same here. Applied on 18th and still waitingHi guys. Is there any sheet that you are sharing timeline? Where can I find that?
+ I applied on May 18th and still waiting.