Thanks for the reply. Just wanted to know the possibility. As i read in some forums that service company are taking the jobs of PR. So wanted to know the status in Canada.xpressentry said:You can lose your job at any time as jobs are not guaranteed. The only difference is if you lose your job as a PR, you can get another job anywhere else. If you lost that job on a work permit, you would be packing home.
Thanks. Are there any Labour Law in Canada?xpressentry said:Losing your job to cheaper labour, automation is very common these days. Everybody is expendable and can be replaced anytime. There are labour laws in place to ensure workers are treated fairly but at the end of the day if you boss hates you, he will find loopholes to fire you or make you quit before you are fired.
PRs and citizens are always given preference.Manylivesmanymasters said:I heard from a friend, that one of the MNCs doesn't process visa for Canada as the PR candidates who are already there are prioritized
I want to apply for PR (Job - Software testing). But confused between Canada and Australia.slw said:There are many ways you can lose a job (budget cuts, recession, change of management, etc). No one can guarantee you a job.
There are labour laws in Canada but bare in mind that many have a probation period where they can dismiss you without a cause.
And lastly yes, PRs and citizens are given preference. Many online job applications asks you what your status is in Canada. It is illegal to ask what country you are from, but they can ask you if you can legally work in Canada.
It is your choice and depends a lot on your preference. Y can't you get the PR and travel for your company itself, assuming that you are already in a service based companyKumar2017 said:I want to apply for PR (Job - Software testing). But confused between Canada and Australia.
I read in some forum that in Australia PR jobs are replaced with Service company jobs. SO wanted to check the situation in Canada.