tdguy said:
Hey you guys. Just want to say hello to all. I have landed in Canada one week now and me and my wife are more happy than anything. I think our case more than anything proves that cic is not after couples with age difference. I am 24 and my wife is 42. We were able to pile 5 years of evidence together and we were cleared in 3 1/2 months. Good luck to all! Prove your case and all will be well.
Yep - you got it - it's providing key evidence to show legitimacy of the relationship.
My wife lived in the US for over 10 years without status.
When we started dating I immediately started collecting EVERYING and ANYTHING that she or I touched, or was engaged with.
**Why did I start that early? How did I know?**
-- 1st - I too was an illegal immigrant when I first came to Canada (after overstaying), plus in our community you learn, and all of this stuff is embedded into you over time
-- 2nd - Yuh was just dating boy - how yuh go know yuh was gona get married?
WELL LET ME TELL YUH!!! When i see dat gyul, I see she bamsee! and I KNEW IT - I was going to marry it!!! That bamsee was gona be mine!
-- 3rd yeh yeh, she was 31, me 33 - we old enough to know thing - we eh schupid, we eh 20yos -- Once we started talking I knew right away thing was the woman I was going to marry (I coldnt not let that bamsee go!!! lol jk)
Some of the craziest things I collected
- For every trip I took to the the US (everywhere where - Buffalo, NJ, NY, Hawaii) where we met up every month If i went one way, the other way, hell if i made a mistake that toll receipt was there, it proves I was there!
- Resort receipts, food receipts, FK! condom receipts, flowers brah name it the receipt it was there. OHH HELLL those two times we got as scared of her being pregnet', even up to CVS receipt!
- Ininerary, boarding passes, again food receipts, baggage, overweight receipts (intentionally done to get a receipt), resort wristbands, room service fees
- 800 pgs - WhatsApp Conversation 800pages front and back, 8pt font, 64,000lines of communication back and forth of 16months of talk time (yes you can export and mail yourself WHatApp Conversation, do this regularly to not loose information (as i did loose 6 months when my phone crashed) **HELL there were good conversations, bad conversations, arguments, fights, naughty, dirty, OH DAMN conversations. even when I told her her brother was JA! **Again legitimacy!!!
- 10 pgs - Skype conversations
- 25 pgs - Text/SMS conversation
- 01 pg - FaceBook messages
- 150 pgs - Google Keep conversations and personal notes, and photos (EVEN the naughty ones 8 within reason

they deff got a small look'see here and there]
- Bank statements (I opened up a TD Cross-border banking account in US)
- I also had a TD Account here, and when I transferred there, received from her - Mostly sending to her)
- Monthly bank statements - it didn't have a lot, but it showed money coming in, going out, Debit, Credit card being used food, personal items for her. Ideally she used the card there day to day
- Western Union transfers
- My credit card statements EACH month which showed i bought something for her, highlighting trip payments, or ANY payments ingeneral
- Every photo taken for each visit we spent together Me go there, she come to Buff, Her fams, Hawaii, Atlantic City etc... If me, she, her fams, my fams, was in relation to a trip - that photo was there.
- This was pro photos, personal, resort photos etc...
LASTLY this was ALL organized 3-4inch binders binders (only because i filled them out)
- Each binder was separated by tabs by Month/Year, like you woul dhave at school.
- Each Section was like above
- Page 1- I created a generic itinerary sheet covering the following: Date, Times, Location of trip, check boxes to show if there were receipts, photos, bank statements, etc...Car/ receipt
- Afer page 1 Each month was separated by additional "Template Pages" indicating Photos, Finance (banks, flight, visa statements), Communications, and a Plastic sheet where I stuffed all receipts or any nicknack related to that month
**FYI**For Photos, I had all digital photos, so I pasted the picture into MS Word, which would allow to look like a photo album where you have 2 photos per sheet (400Pages) - this was easier for me, because I can quickly sort put the photos I likes, and throw them into word, and print, I printed colour
Afterwards, I went back and EACH sheet, Identified the person
First Last name,
date of photo,
Location of the photos,
If that set of photos has the same person more than once, I did it for the first few pages.
Like I said by the time all of this was done, I had 3 THICK FK @ $$ binders.
I then took it to Staples or ANY Copier center will do, and have them duplicate 2 copies (Original for Immigration, Lawyer, and I).
It took Staples 5 days to replicate - the binders
-they have to bring 2 additional ppl to work on the duplication
- They had to take out ALL receipts from the plastic sheet, plate it onto a regular letter sheet, glue it,m and then print it
- then duplicate all sheets
**When I called for an updated,** they said the additional ppl were for I quote: "Manual Labour"
At the end of the day, with all of the printing, it came up to approx $600 ((LUCKILY)) my lawyer paid for this --Surprising as this would usually be my fee (I guess it would have been apart of the intial fee I paid for my lawyer) - EH!!! I didn't complain or question
**Totaling about 2500 Pages each copy!**
ANY HOW!! With my wife Non stauts in the US, (usually you must be applying for CIC in the Country that you have status in., All of this was RED flagged and usually not good for us, and I anticipated it would take more than 9 months.
All in all, I submitted in Dec/Jan, and by Um....May 5th, I think I received her passport - GIVE OF TAKE LESS 5 months
Anyhow, going back to what I posted in the first few lines ----
Yep - you got it - it's providing key evidence to show legitimacy of the relationship.
ANYHOW!!!! So guess WHAT! My wife will be here in 4 days!!! Im going to NJ to have a small ceremony wedding (Mainly her fams), returning to TO by Car, and in 2 weeks its another ceremony here with my fams, with Reception.
Any questions please about the above give me a shout here (so others can see) - OR email - ramkissoon at gmail dat com
Next time I'll be writing after her homecoming next week!!!
PS: Yuh eva see a man get marry to his wife 3 TIMES? Yep! Check meh out!
1st @ City Hall in NJ - so I can get papework on the go for CIC
2nd - Indian Ceremony in NJ this coming Friday
3rd - 3 weeks away in TO + Reception!