MissDanish - I'm glad you found a place and a good price!

Best of luck preparing for your interview. I think the best advise is of course to know your application in and out but also if they start to hassle about anything, realize that they are likely just trying to throw you off, so don't' let them do that.
LouisFam - thanks for checking in on us! Hope you and Louisfamily are doing well.
Mr. Trinadian... are you THE Mr. Trinadian to our Ms Trinadian? or just a coincidence.
We have a small update, not much but for those of you needing to do an ARC, you may recall that on the ARC they request a copy of your departure/removal/deportation order and a copy of your Confirmation of Departure. We don't have these and were given a total runaround as to where to get them, with all roads leading back to the visa office (POS) so we submitted a CSE explaining our situation and that we don't have it. We weren't' getting a response so rather than wait for one we just decided to fill everything out and send what we had along with everything that we did have to support the information that would be available on those forms. We had a copy of our file notes that indicated date of removal order and date that departure was confirmed and so we sent that page from our notes in.
All to say is that we haven't heard anything from that but we did finally get a response to our CSE basically saying to send everything that we do have (which we did) and they should be able to get the rest of the information from their system. So yea, small minor update and there is no guarantee that this would apply to all applications but that is the response that we recieved.