Hello everyone, stopping in to say hello as I have not been around as much lately. Hubby started working (finally!) and he is very happy to get his foot in the door somewhere.
Shout outs to Behopeful, FAD, Zouk, KIAB, LouisFam - congrats on finishing!, millslu's hope all is well, Miss D. haven't forgotten you :-*, Can-Vinc, hang in there, Hello MsRuby, O&O, chickie72, CoG - congrats on finally landing! Hi Kadi, Nev and if I have forgotten anyone please forgive me in advance.
mizzdanish - "in process" on ecas can be different than getting an e-mail from POS saying your application is in process. So just to clarify O&O's answer a bit more - the e-mail means they have your app. in POS - always good news that it arrived and is in the queue so to speak. That e-mail is effectively your AOR and/or they still may send another e-mail with your file number confirming this. Keep an eye on ecas because if that changes to "in process" that is very good news and usually means you have passed eligibility - no interview required - and your hubs will likely get his passport request (PPR) within a few weeks from going to "in process" on ecas. I will update the spreadsheet shortly (with your news and a few others that have had recent changes) and if you check a few of our sidebars (mine, behopeful's fads, KIABs and some others) you should be able to see the time frames of when we went to in process until the PPR.
Now onto my
post landing advice for the ladies - POS & JamFam - for those of you whose husbands have never been here, like mine, (I know many of you met when your hubby's were already here on work programs and then they had to go back for the immigration process) as much as you can prepare them for the job market and job searching here, try your best. Even better if you or he can have something lined up job-wise a few weeks after he lands.
My guy was pretty shell shocked to see mostly everything is done online now and I know many of us are used to that. But.....if your man is not as tech savvy or as skilled on the computer, get him practiced up. Use the time while you are apart to encourage him to take any courses or training that he can use here. Make him aware of the differences in work cultures, here you cannot just make food and sell it at the end of the driveway

- one of hubby's previous ideas (I know some of you wives are nodding your heads at this one, right Ninirae??!!). Draft a resume and covering letter for him, get him to talk to any of your male friends who have immigrated etc. And have some savings set aside so any bills back home will be looked after and you have a bit of a cushion while he is job searching. Lessons from the post landing trenches

!! It will save you both some grief. Also in hindsight bringing your hubby in the dead of winter
may not be the best idea if he has never experienced a winter before. Just a few things to consider and discuss with your beloved's now that I have gone through the actual experience. Live and learn ;D Blessings to all.