You are most welcome. A few questions back to you that generally let others help more clearly - Are you the sponsor or the applicant and which country does the applicant live in? POS processes for quite a few locations across the Caribbean.Sabriyah said:Thank you so much for such a nice amd clear reply
Ill be back with some more questions soon
In my own opinion I do not think it matters at all; however, if I am incorrect one of the more senior members can chime in. If you have seen the spreadsheet for the POS office I do not think you can draw any solid conclusions from that other than it can be a bit "hit and miss" for all of us. I recall seeing some Guyanese folks on there and if you get their forum names you can search their history of posts.Sabriyah said:I am the sponsor. My husband is in Guyana.
Do u guys know if POS processes different countries maybe for those from Trinidad itself is faster or slower or r they more strict or less strict as compared to other countries? Am not saying Trinidad in particular, it was jus an ex country...I was thnking tht maybe some countries tht POS process mite b shorter wait than others?
Shd I be in contact with others who sponsored froI was jusm Guyana? For advice? U guys know anyone?
hey there my friend you will do great.... i got word about my interview.... they schedule the date already for me..... but i have to wait until i get the letter in the mail..... cant wait to hear about your interviewmillslu said:Thanks again everyone for your support two more days to go. I yes @ behopeful I am hoping after the interview with i get some. Kind of answer, but it's the least they can do, I have a mountain of support am going with almost 3inches thick and hopefully if we only get a word saying yes or no, that's all we need to hear and know. We know after that's it's another wait but at least my wife n I will know we're our future lies now n we can continue planning our future a little more secure. Again thanks to everyone, as soon as the interview is over you will hear from me.
hey my friend.....did you say that you got your gcsm notes and it did not show anything on it about why they want to interview youmillslu said:hey everyone hope yurll are doing well and being patient. my interview is in 9 days away and i am preparing myself very well indeed, nothing on the GSM notes so am goin there blindfolded but its my wife and i know her like the back of my hand.
quick question my wife is worried about if she should accompany me to my interview, my wife since she just spent a week with me, is not able to get any more vacation becasue of the pressure of her work and we also have our baby(puppy) who we would not like to be giving to strangers to watch for another week. is it imperitive that she comes or not. i read in one of the forum that the VO have to requst that she comes, if they dont then they wont need her. please give me yurll views on that plzz.
@ missd hang in there.
Officer: Final question.... if I deny your application what will you do?millslu said:Thanks again everyone for your support two more days to go. I yes @ behopeful I am hoping after the interview with i get some. Kind of answer, but it's the least they can do, I have a mountain of support am going with almost 3inches thick and hopefully if we only get a word saying yes or no, that's all we need to hear and know. We know after that's it's another wait but at least my wife n I will know we're our future lies now n we can continue planning our future a little more secure. Again thanks to everyone, as soon as the interview is over you will hear from me.
Yes paper clips are fine, do not staple though. Make sure bar code pages are on top of the sections where applicable and the checklist on the very top of the entire package. The more clear and organized you make it for CIC, the the easier it is. You can also do a table of contents or use a binder and separate sections with tabs or those clear envelopes and write on them (these are suggestions only, not mandatory). Do try to arrange the forms in the way they are listed on the checklist though and cross reference all supplementary info./docs to the relevant section. Photos inside envelopes, not loose. Hope this helpsSabriyah said:Do you guys know if paper clips are ok to to keep different forms separate from each other?