Hey room,
This is the moment you all have been waiting for:
Once I get into the waiting room there is the receptionist sitting behind a thick glass and she took my letter (she looked like a man with a FAKE Cdn accent). Then she came out of her office through their main door and handed me a clear ziploc bag to put all my evidence inside which she took in the back with her.
Waiting, waiting, sweating, sweating, getting hungry, nervous, praying to god and the IO came out and called name. He escorted me to his office.
So, he introduced himself and told me that he is not here to beat around the bush. He called for an interview because I was a refugee, PRRA and HnC applicant all failed miserably and then I got married. He said straight up that he wants me to prove to him that my rship with my partner is real.
- What's partner's DOB?
- When did he come to Canada?
- Where does he work?
- How much does he make a year?
- How many people were at your wedding?
- Tell me how your relationship has started
- Does anyone else in your family know about your relationship?
Maybe a few other questions, very minor, which I can't completely recall. They all came from the information we provided on the application.
Then he said straight up "well, I have no problem with your application and I am going to approve it" BIG SMILEEEEE on my face then and my heart skipped another few more beats because I thought I heard wrong. Didn't feel like this was really happening to me.
I got all my evidence back. A huge ass bundle of things back. He didn't even bother to look at the ones I took this morning. Months and months of hard work did pay off in the end after killing a few trees too
I guess it all boiled down to my appearance, how I answered my questions, how fast I took to respond, my dress code and of course, honesty. I think today was a lucky day for those interviewed at GEO because I saw the guy before me came out smiling too. It was around 5 of us in total for interview this morning.