I will apply my OWP & PR under Live-in Caregiver in 2 months and I just got a Police Clearance at the local RCMP here. Just wondering because there's a notation on the Certificate "This Check does not include offences under the Motor Vehicle Act. Contact ICBC for a certified Driving Extract" My question is - Do I need to get one from ICBC? (I'm a law abiding driver though - thank goodness no demerits yet) Or this Clearance that I got from RCMP is enough? And one thing more the validity of the Certificate is just 3 months. I know I get it too early coz I'd thought the validity is 6 months. Is it okay I will use this clearance even it's not valid anymore when I will send my application? Or I really have to get another one? huh another $22.20 again then!
Thanks in advance.